

临时公告根据Art . 3的特别公告. 53 LR2024年3月26日
  • 新任首席执行官宣布精简执行委员会,由12名成员组成
  • 专注的团队实施2027战略:增长,业绩 & 敏捷,财务状况良好
  • Marta Vlatchkova被任命为首席财务官,自2024年5月8日起生效

新的管理团队已经就位执行 2027战略:加速增长,建立信任. 委员会由12名成员组成, 团结在首席执行官葛文杰·皮考德的周围, with managers from the Group and individuals from other horizons bringing complementary expertise.

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由于测试的局部性质 & 检查, 它将通过5个地区进行管理, 而认证将作为一项全球性活动进行管理, 命名业务保证.

  • 杜志强被任命为亚太区总裁;
  • 马尔科姆·里德被任命为欧洲负责人;
  • Teymur Abasov被任命为东欧、中东和非洲地区负责人;
  • 任命derek Govender为北美主管;
  • Rafael Navazo将于2024年7月1日加入集团担任拉丁美洲负责人;
  • Jeff McDonald继续担任业务保证主管.


  • 李和海获委任为连通性总监 & 产品与健康 & 营养;
  • Egidijus Jokubauskas被任命为工业主管 & 环境与自然资源.


  • Marta Vlatchkova joins the Group as Chief Financial Officer, effective May 8, 2024;
  • Martin Oesch自2024年5月1日起加入集团担任集团总法律顾问. He replaces Olivier Merkt who continues to assume this role until his retirement at the end of April;
  • 孙洁继续担任集团人力资源主管.


“The appointment of our new Executive Committee marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for SGS. It underlines our commitment to seize the many opportunities created by the market megatrends in sustainability, 数字, 供应链和法规, 以及我们行业的严重分裂.

“这也表明我们重新关注增长, innovation and accountability and will guide SGS’s operations towards higher efficiency and effectiveness.

“I am taking this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to the three very experienced leaders who are joining our Group: Marta Vlatchkova as Chief Financial Officer, Martin Oesch为集团总法律顾问,Rafael Navazo为拉丁美洲负责人. SGS的专业知识将使我们更加强大.”



Teymur Abasov被任命为东欧、中东和非洲地区负责人. 他曾担任东欧和中东地区的首席运营官. 在此之前, he held several key roles for SGS in the region: Managing Director SGS Kazakhstan and Caspian Region, SGS阿塞拜疆公司总经理 & 格鲁吉亚和SGS阿塞拜疆的运营经理. He joined SGS in 1994 as a senior inspector in Azerbaijan after graduating with a degree in Electrical Engineering.


杜志强被任命为亚太区总裁. 他曾担任SGS东北亚首席运营官. 在此之前, he held many senior positions in Asia including Managing Director of China and Managing Director of Vietnam. He also worked for SGS Singapore and Philippines in food testing, certification and training. In 2002, he managed the establishment of China’s first commercial food testing laboratory. Steven joined SGS in 1999 and holds a Management Diploma from Shenzhen University and a Master’s degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


德里克·戈文德被任命为北美主管. 他曾担任自然资源执行副总裁. 在此之前, he had been Executive Vice President for Minerals Services and Regional Minerals Business and Operations Manager in South Africa. 他于2002年加入SGS担任首席化验师. 事先, he was Chief Chemist of Mintek’s precious metals laboratory and also worked in Randgold mine laboratories. He was educated in South Africa and holds qualifications in Analytical Chemistry and in Business Management.


Egidijus Jokubauskas被任命为工业主管 & 环境与自然资源. He was previously Head of Mineral Commodities at SGS, where he had responsibility for P&L和卓越的运营全球彩票app全球大客户. 在此之前, Egidijus在SGS担任过各种领导职务, 包括能源矿产主管. 2006年加入SGS之前, he worked for Intertek in 立陶宛 as manager for the Baltic states within the Agricultural business, 以及在BSI担任运营经理. Egidijus completed an Engineering degree in Marine Power Installations and a Master’s degree in Marine Transport Technologies at the University of Klaipeda, 立陶宛.


李和海获委任为连通性总监 & 产品与健康 & 营养. 他曾担任Connectivity执行副总裁 & 产品. 在此之前, he held several senior executive roles within SGS: Executive Vice President for Consumer and Retail, 材料和制造全球主管, 全球运输主管, 设备和机械. Charles于1992年加入SGS,并于2008年重新加入SGS. 勒克莱尔和布伊格能源全球彩票app公司. 他持有ENSEIRB-MATMECA的电子工程学位.


Jeffrey McDonald continues as Head of Business Assurance, a role he has occupied since January 2021. Previously, he was Executive Vice President for Certification and Business Enhancement. 2007年至2015年,他担任SGS北美首席运营官. 在此之前, 他曾担任系统和全球彩票app认证执行副总裁, South-East Asian Sub-Regional Manager for Certification Services as well as Manager for the Consumer 产品 Division in 泰国. Jeffrey于1994年加入SGS. 他拥有格里菲斯大学经济学学士学位, 科技大学教育学研究生文凭, 并获得了Yeronga技术和继续教育学院的工程学位, 澳大利亚.


拉斐尔·纳瓦佐被任命为拉丁美洲负责人,2024年7月1日起生效. 他是一位经验丰富的商业领袖,拥有超过15年的P经验&L管理,业务重组,商业 & 运营卓越,供应链整合. 他曾担任Vesuvius的流量控制EMEA副总裁, where he was instrumental in delivering high technology solutions in the steel and foundry markets, 为部门的增长和可持续发展做出重大贡献. 在此之前, Rafael held several pivotal roles at Imerys, including Vice President & 过滤和性能添加剂南美区总经理. Rafael holds a MSc in Management from HEC Paris and a Mining Engineer degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 他还完成了欧洲工商管理学院的高管课程.


Martin Oesch被任命为集团总法律顾问,自2024年5月1日起生效. His extensive experience and strategic mindset will play a vital role in providing legal guidance, 确保合规并支持集团的ESG, 增长和扩张计划. 他目前担任集团总法律顾问 & 百乐嘉利宝公司秘书, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the company's direction and contributing to strategic M&A、扩建项目. 在此之前,马丁是两家领先的瑞士律师事务所的合伙人. He holds a Master of Laws degree from the University of Berne and the University of Chicago Law School (LLM).


马尔科姆·里德被任命为欧洲主管. 他曾担任东南亚太平洋地区首席运营官. 在此之前, he held the positions of Executive Vice President for Consumer Testing Services and Executive Vice President of Systems and Services Certification. 他也是几个国家的常务董事, 包括澳大利亚, 泰国, 菲律宾和越南. 他于1987年加入公司. Malcolm graduated with a BSc Chemistry (Hons) from the University of Glasgow in 1985.


孙洁于2022年1月被任命为人力资源高级副总裁. 在此之前, 她是智能家居的首席人力资源官, 海尔集团, 监督人力资源管理, 全球政策发展, 这个领先的电器公司的实践和操作. 1993年成为人力资源专家, 杰西卡在辉瑞公司担任过不同的职位, 百特医疗, 英格索兰, 和Mallinckrodt制药公司. 她拥有中国政治大学法学学士学位 & Law Science and an EMBA from the Chinese Europe International Business School (CEIBS).


Marta Vlatchkova被任命为首席财务官,自2024年5月8日起生效. 她目前担任山德士公司的首席会计官, 非患者用药领域的全球领导者, where she successfully led the transition of the accounting function from a Novartis division to an independent publicly listed company. 在此之前,Marta领导集团会计和财务规划 & 豪瑞是建筑解决方案的全球领导者. 她还曾担任集团财务规划主管 & 依视路的分析,世界领先的眼科镜片. She holds a Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Paris II Pantheon-Assas, France and a Bachelor’s degree in international Economic Relations from the University of National & 《全球彩票app下载》,保加利亚索非亚.

Marta将负责监督和优化SGS的财务策略, 提高运营效率, 并与领导合作以实现集团的业务目标. 她坚定不移地追求卓越, extensive expertise in efficient processes and strategic mindset will play a crucial role in shaping SGS’s financial future.

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我们是SGS——世界领先的测试、检验和认证公司. We are recognized as the global benchmark for sustainability, quality and integrity. Our 99,600 employees operate a network of 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.



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